Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Circle (part 7) -Social Revolutions, "Prison Industrial Complex", Casinos, & the "Military Industrial Complex"

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

Many people believe that simple Nationalization of industries will automatically alter the economic situation for a country and enrich the citizens of that nation.  The truth however is something different.  "Many revolutionary countries created from a bottom-up social uprising and by a populist leader always try to negotiate first under the threat of nationalization.  When negotiations fail, some countries and their leaders actually do nationalize their industry".  However, the problem arises when the country that nationalizes their products and resources needs trading partners and needs ways to export their goods and resources (as well as finding ways to keep operating those companies).  Without a skilled labor force in place to automatically push out products once nationalization occurs, the once profitable and booming economy suddenly rapidly declines.  Especially more so, when foreign investors and shareholder of the companies flee the country in fear of losing much of their revenues generated from these newly nationalized industries.  "The issue of fleeing cash works against the revolutionary country.  As for the private business owners and private industries, they themselves know that assets that become Nationalized won't affect them too much since the country still has to export whatever those assets are to other countries.  In other words, just because the assets are nationalized, it doesn't mean that the companies that formerly owned those assets are completely out of the picture. The country that did the Nationalizing doesn't have the infrastructure or expertise to run the assets that it nationalized. The country also has to find a way to keep the corporate managers and workers around because they're the only ones that know how to maintain the asset.  The corporation at this time is still earning the same amount of money that they earned before. For example, it is Exxon and Chevron who are most affected by Nationalization, but they still have a contract with the Venezuelan government to run the facilities because the Venezuelan government can't run the facilities themselves. The corporations don't want to lose their investment because they know that the likelihood is that eventually -since it has happened in every case, except for Cuba -the assets are going to be returned to them anyway when there is a change in government. With few exceptions, this cycle has happened in every country that has brought in a Socialist government which has nationalized assets. When the Socialist government is finally thrown out of power because the country is broke and the economy has faltered, the Conservatives are put back into power and they immediately return the assets to their rightful owners because they know it's the only way they can bring foreign investment back into the country. The new government has to make the country a credible place to do business in again and therefore brings in privatization and corporate tax cuts favoring the expansion of Big Business in their countries. This is the inherent problem of putting the peasants in charge".

Historically, revolutions from the bottom-up have failed.  Especially when they have tried to overthrow the existing structure in place and alter it all together.  (With that said, people might think of Haiti and Cuba as being examples of successful bottom-up revolutions, but even that isn't all that it appears to be.  We will get back to that later).  In Europe,  "there were multiple memories of the Social Revolutions in 1848. Democrats looked to 1848 as a democratic revolution, which in the long run ensured liberty, equality, and fraternity. Marxists denounced 1848 as a betrayal of working-class ideals by a bourgeoisie indifferent to the legitimate demands of the proletariat. For Nationalists, 1848 was the springtime of hope, when newly emerging nationalities rejected the old multinational empires. All Nationalists were bitterly disappointed in the short run. The year 1848, at best, was a glimmer of future hope, and at worst, it was a dead-weight that strengthened Conservative Reactionaries and delayed further progress.  In the post-revolutionary decade after 1848, little had visibly changed, and most historians considered the revolutions a failure, given the seeming lack of permanent structural changes".  In all revolutions (wherever they may occur and whenever they may occur), without the Elite's blessing, manipulation, and funding -many social revolutions which have started from the bottom-up actually play into the hands of the Elite.  This is because it plays into the Military Industrial Complex entrenched into all societies.  In fact, social discord fuels the selling of arms and leads to debt by Nations and governments who are fighting against the revolutionaries.  By selling fear, National governments and the Media (which is why they keep the topic relevant in the first place) use it for their advantage and their gains.

Big Business and the Elites know that, "when you disrupt the economy and nationalize foreign assets, there isn't going to be any more foreign investment coming into the country".  Leftist political parties who always say they, "represent the people" and "will make the economy work for the people" when running for political office, have to realize that political realities will dictate their budgets and itineraries. Political groups will politicize any issues in order to differentiate them from the other political groups running for power.  Whether a political party can deliver or not on their promises depends on if the funders and the global agenda being engineered at the present time work with the political party's ideology.  In booming economic times, political parties can make an abundance of promises to get voters to cast their vote for them.  Often times in these booming economic times, the political party can often deliver and make good on their election promises.  In recessionary times however, political parties do not make the agenda, the economy does.  This causes more pressure on political parties trying to rally for votes.  In doing so, political parties will often try to differentiate from one another which usually also opens the door for "closet" Reactionary groups to join the fray and try and reach out for disfranchised and disillusioned voters.  For example, presently in Greece,   "Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has now gone global with political ambitions".  Historically, during times of economic stagnancy and decline, Conservative anti-immigrant groups such as the Golden Dawn in Greece and leaders such as Jean-Marie Le Pen from France come out and gain traction in their respective societies by finding answers to why the economy is faltering.  The masses who are seeking answers, and are in a "herd mentality"/"mob mentality" mind frame are able to believe in the reasons these types of political parties and political leaders create.  This occurs mainly because of deep rooted beliefs that still exist and permeate inside the minds of many average citizens in Developed countries.  "Tolerant" attitudes that are present in mainstream society today hide very real, very present, and very alarming "closet" prejudicial fears.  The rise of Hitler and Mussolini during the Great Depression are examples of leaders and countries who were able to gather support from small parts of their populations before being able to galvanize the nation as a whole to do their bidding at a accelerated rate.  Both leaders were able to bring out fears in the minds and hearts of citizens and use it to strengthen Nationalism and Patriotism.

Due to the failures of "Multiculturalism" and "Melting Pot" policies presently in Developed Nations, tinderbox social atmospheres exist which only need to be exploited and brought to the forefront by an Incident and by a talented oratory instigator (who needs to receive media coverage and media attention to attract the minds of the masses) . Scapegoats are easily created and Xenophobic atmospheres (though often small, contained, and marginal at first) are accelerated during this time.  Though the damage is minimal and much of it can't be seen by the populace at large, the ramifications on"targeted groups" are felt far deeper in the recesses of their minds and hearts. Terms like, "enemy aliens" are brought to life and many of the"targeted groups" lose their property, finances, and livelihoods.  Though the "educated masses" present themselves as being able to filter away the propaganda presented by the Media and National Governments, it is this group that will either remain silent, flee their current locations, or capitalize on the new found opportunities.  In truth,  "when people feel themselves powerless to change fundamental aspects of their world, they begin to make accommodations with 'realities' that they actually detest" .  This is mainly because survival instincts kick into play and very few people are willing to part with their lives or put the lives of those they love in jeopardy to save the life of another.  This is what enables Fascist and Dictatorships to reign supreme for as many years as they are able to hold onto power.  For many Fascist and Dictatorial Governments, it was Intervention, a weakening economy, and war that brought down these leaders.  Not internal revolutions or social uprisings. For "it is in times of war and crisis that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power, in number, in pride, in absolute dominion over the economy and the society". The repetition and manipulation of fear enables the State and it's apparatuses to grow in power and domination.

Many people forget that during the political unrest in the 1960's when the "Left" of America seemed like they were gaining traction, the "Right" was launching COINTELPRO simultaneously.   In fact, during the 1960's and early 1970's, the American governments and American law enforcement agencies wound up imprisoning and killing political leaders from respective groups in these "Leftist" movements.  By the start of the 1980's, Conservative economic policies was implemented when Reaganomics was pushed on to Americans.  Instead of tackling deep rooted issues of poverty which were present and fought for by the "Left" during the 1960's and early 1970's, the American government launched a "War Against Drugs" and a"War on Poverty".  This caused much of the overloaded prison populations they have currently.  In fact, what the Conservative "Right" did during that time period was they enabled a way to create privatized prison labor populations based around their "War on Drugs" and their "War on Poverty"for Big Business and the Elites to profit from.  In fact, the government was even able to entrench a law into play that would enable prison populations to continue to grow and expand.  During this timeline, the "Three-strikes Law" came into play.  "The 1980's ushered in a new era of prison privatization. With a burgeoning prison population resulting from the 'War on Drugs' and increased use of incarceration, prison overcrowding, and rising costs became increasingly problematic for local, state, and federal governments. In response to this expanding criminal justice system, private business interests saw an opportunity for expansion, and consequently, private-sector involvement in prisons moved from the simple contracting of services to contracting for the complete management and operation of entire prisons".  In a divided society, National Governments and Big Business are able to capitalize by pushing through their agendas by capitalizing and manipulating people's fears.  With Third World economies being brought into the First World, "Leftist" movements enable a strong "Right" to gain traction inside of society.

As Prison Labor was subtly being created and Conservative budgets were being passed inside America, "sectors of the business community in the U.S. attempted to solve the economic crisis of the 1970's and 1980's through increased military power abroad to allow multinational businesses to penetrate more vigorously into the Third World and increased military spending at home to stimulate the economy. In the 1970's and 1980's, when business was less booming, global roll back became a more attractive foreign policy goal".  During the 1970's (up to present day) America was able to use social institutes, the entertainment sector, and the media to vilify and dehumanize nations and people who posed very little threat to them.  Nations such as Cuba, Haiti, Panama, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. were all targeted and encircled.  Trade embargoes and trade sanctions as well as freezing of the nations assets choked off the targeted country's national economies and created rampant poverty for the citizens of those nations.  All of these strategies were used as a fear-mongering tactic in order for the U.S. to expand their military presence everywhere, to allow the global arms trade to prosper, and to allow strategic geopolitical interests to succeed in order for profits to be made.  Whether it's through the "Cold War" or the "War on Terror", Empires are maintained by creating enemies and threats when none are present.  Without the threat of an enemy, the Military Industrial Complex could not thrive 'nor exist.  Therefore, it is in the interests of Big Business and the Military Industrial Complex to go "all over the world wherever people are demanding justice and fighting for things people want like peace, jobs, democracy and equality,  and allow the CIA to go in there and defend the interests of Wall Street. To assassinate, to murder, to create hatred, and to commit chaos and crimes".  Once Big Business is involved, "morality" and "humanity" go out the window and creating efficiency is all that matters.  

This is the case when it comes to Big Business being involved in Prisons, Education, or in the Labor force.  Big Business only understands and speaks in numbers.  Big Business only thrives on creating a state of dependency.  That is how Big Business grows in power, size, and influence.  This is how the Elites maintain control over the populations of the world.  Conservative agendas (who represent Business interests) are always pushed onto the populations during economic stagnation because Conservative agendas are the only agendas accepted by the Elite and the only ones that they will fund.  In fact, many people's simplistic notion of "give peace a chance", and  "end all wars now" are in fact in opposition to Big Business who will use war(s) as an instrument to bring about the changes they need in any given location or timeline.  National Governments cannot just immediately "stop war" world wide because:
 (A) their own national economies thrive from the profits of the exploited countries they conquered through wars in the past.  It is the "Spoils of War"that keep Big Business and National Governments thriving and able to sustain themselves and allows for cheap goods and commodities to come to First World nations in order to placate their citizens.  Many of the economies in the First World and Third World depend economically on this trend to continue.  
(b) Many locations inside First World nations are actually created and maintained economically by the Military Industrial Complex.  By stopping war, many of those locations would go bankrupt and many careers, jobs, and livelihoods would be lost overnight.  It is this factor, that allows people to continue to support the Military Industrial Complex and the "State of War".  In economies with very little job opportunity or labor market, the Military Industrial Complex allows for people to survive.  That is the tragedy of stopping war overnight.  Until a new economy is created in locations where dependency is built around maintaining the Military Industrial Complex, it cannot just disappear overnight.  In fact, it has been stated that,  "In times of war, law is silent, In times of war, law is secret".  In fact, the Military Industrial Complex even at peace times have never stopped producing.  Even peaceful nations such as Canada made huge exorbitant amounts of profits selling arms during the Vietnam War.  
What makes this even more complicated and insidious, is the fact the Elites and Big Business play the other side of the coin as well.  Another device the Elites and Big Business use when their designs are tested and the structure they need in place look as if they could crumble is "peace".  Big Business and the Elites will pretend to stay neutral and stay out of the conflict by sending in the United Nations (U.N.) instead of a Military power so that Big Business can maintain the structure in place and in doing so, stay profitable.  Through profits, Big Business is able to expand and entrench itself into any country who have designs to separate themselves from the sphere of debt control used by the Elites and Big Business to maintain control over people and nations.  Since the U.N. is manipulated and controlled by finances, the U.N. can do nothing else but adhere to the designs and plans the Elite and Big Business have set in place.   Through the manipulation of war and the manipulation of Peace, the Elites and Big Business are able to maintain control over all things and people as they see fit.

One another macroscopic level, and in relation to "War Machines", one must understand that the Police, National Armies, Organized Crime Networks and Street Gangs, Private Militaries, the Security Industry Sector, "Private Contractors", etc. are all fueled by the Military Industrial Complex.  All those organizations mentioned above, work for those that pay them.  In "laymen terms" this means that those organizations mentioned above are paid for and work for those that need their services at any given time to implement their agendas.  Those that pay the workers in their respective organization, create their agendas and mandate.  The individuals who are working for those respective organizations and are given these agendas and mandates have very little say in what must be done.  In fact, the individuals working in those organizations can change very little when it is mandated to them by the "higher ups"/"superiors".  Especially if those that work for those particular organizations want to stay with the organization and to grow in the organization.  All of the groups mentioned above operate the same way in the sense that they work as an organization that protects their "turf"/premises/property/interest while enabling business interests to survive and grow in size and profit.  Some of these organizations mentioned above are legal and operate under the protection of the law, others operate without the law.  All of these organizations use "power in numbers" and use force to implement their set goals and mandates.  The only real difference between many of these organizations from one another is the immunity of law created to protect their actions and the monopoly of force they can use at their discretion when needed.  Many of these organizations are reactionary and work against the interests of other groups.  None of these groups solve deep rooted issues of poverty or economics.  In fact, all of the organizations mentioned above co-exist with deep rooted issued of poverty.  It is how National Governments, Social Institutes, and the Media present them that enable them to have a positive or negative life irrespective of their actual effect on communities and societies they work with and operate in.  Since poverty makes people do things they wouldn't imagine doing otherwise, poverty also creates lifestyles and choices that people wouldn't agree with otherwise.  Sometimes the choices presented for people living in poverty are bad and yet it is a choice that will have to be lived out.  For many of these organizations mentioned above, since they are reactionary groups, they often do not care who kills each other off as long as it is not one of their own members.  It's when business stops or there is a public outcry and a possibility of chaos that prompts these organizations to act on behalf of their own interests.  During these times, a "show of force" is shown to the masses in order to strengthen the perception that they wield "absolute" power and that they can use force  whenever necessary and that the power and force used during these times, cannot be taken away easily.  During times of privatization, when the picture is blurred and all things are not "Black or White" be weary of those you trust.  For those you trust work only for their pay checks and those pay checks given are only given when a mandate is followed through (this is how a quota system works for example).  This is why the police, military, and the security industries in Third World countries, in Dictatorial Regimes, and in Fascist regimes -so easily turn against the masses. It is money that manipulates these forces.  Though they are presented to the masses in a different light by the media and by social institutes, they have very little difference between each them.  All work under mandates and agendas for their own organization's self interest and survival.  

In conclusion my brothers and sisters, in order to prop up damaged economies, many broke nations are now planning to bring in Casinos into their societies, no matter the social damage or social ramifications it may cost society as a whole.  In truth, misery creates opportunity and profits.  Casinos were brought to Third World countries as a "rich man's playground" during Colonial times and allowed for profits to be made by Banks and by Casino Owners (who were often Big Business owners, Organized Crime, and sometimes both working together as one). This can be viewed as an alarming trend since it was reported recently that, "Cyprus plans tax breaks and casinos to kick-start faltering economy".  This is something Canada as well is planning in order to kick-start it's own faltering and weak economy.  In Ontario (a "Have-Not" Canadian province) the municipal government is currently debating the issue of bringing in casinos in order to stimulate their economy as well.  This is heightened even more when you understand that Ontario's debt is not fully understood by most Canadians since the governments (federal, municipal, and provincial) have hid this from it's citizens for so long,   "according to the state treasurer, who should know, California (population 36.4 million) has sovereign debt of $60-billion (U.S.) - $1,650 per person. Investors rate California's 10-year bonds as slightly less risky than Croatia's. Reputable academic analysts anticipate bankruptcy. (As Bill Watkins, director of the Center for Economic Research and Forecasting at California Lutheran University, put it: 'California is now more likely to default than it is not to default' ).  On the other hand, Ontario (population 13 million) has debt of $220-billion (Canadian) - $16,900 per person - an economy with roughly one-third the people and roughly 10 times the per-capita debt. California would need more than $600-billion (U.S.) in debt to equal Ontario".

Casinos do enable profits to be made.  That is indisputable.  Casinos do allow job opportunities and the economy to be stimulated.  Casinos do allow for the Security Industry to continue to grow.  However, Casinos atmospheres also allow mental and emotional addictions to thrive.  It will enable the opportunity for more debt to be created by individuals.  It will allow opportunities for more crimes to occur.  It will allow for a "Black Market" to be created. All of this will be done because Casinos are being brought into existence during the backdrop of faltering economies where many negative elements can and will thrive.  It is no mistake that many Organized Crime Networks thrive in and around Casinos.  It is no mistake that "Los Vegas" is called "Sin City".  Casinos are being projected as saviors of faltering economies because all economies are being transformed into THIRD WORLD ECONOMIES and "rich men's playgrounds".   

Though many First World Nations presently do not have privatized prisons and prison labor populations, Third World economies bring the issue to the forefront and it will cause citizens to accept it since the austerity measures being implemented will demand for higher taxes and for it's creation.  Citizens who are already fed up of paying high taxes for prisons presently will gladly enable it to be created which will have devastating effects (similar to the effects it had on the poorest population in America during the 1970's and 1980's).  Since the Dollar is now deeper into crisis and "Five B.R.I.C.S. Nations which account For 42% of the World Population And Nearly All of Current Growth In The Global Economy" are currently trading in Gold and Silver, thus dropping the Petro dollar out of circulation in their trade, the global economy is faltering even further and faster than it being reported by the Media and by National Governments.  The 
"U.S DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY issued a statement to banks – IN WRITING – declaring that they may inspect safe deposit boxes without warrant and seize any gold, silver, guns, or other valuables it find inside those boxes".  The economic crisis facing us presently is far worse than imagined but because economies are still stimulating due to foreign investments, governments going further into debt in order to stimulate their economies, and the media's dismal coverage of it -the masses are unaware of the social reality they are living in.

During Recessionary and Depressionary times, money shifts from one part of the economy to another.  Whether it's bringing to life the "Green Agenda" or through Government "Bailouts" and Government designed "Bail-ins", money is being shifted around from National economies in order to aid Private Interests and the interests of Big Business and the Elites.  Money being shifted will create opportunities for many but it will also make life financially harder and financially complicated for many others. E
conomic shifts when they occur historically, allow the concentration of money in the hands of a few.  For example the "Green Agenda" being pushed by the Elites and Big Business currently using the political instruments they created at their disposal, remain very silent about items that exist presently that would make many of the items we use today free and therefore make you less dependent on them (ex: Tesla's free electricity and energy idea).  Ideas such as these would actually shift money away from Big Business and the Elites (which is not profitable to anyone) and hence is kept out of the discussion of "alternative ideas for a better future".  The United Nation's AGENDA 21 is something that many are unaware of but one should understand fully when you see who in fact funds it and how it has to be brought into existence.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” 

"The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930, and was founded by Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy, Japan and Switzerland as a way to handle the reparation payments. It eventually became the organization it is today: a central bank for the central banks, and an international institution that by definition answers to know government or group of people.  At the time, the powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks, which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent rewards in the business world"

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