Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Nicolaitans -Saturn Worshippers and the Cult of Saturn

2015: The year of Saturn
"Saturn teaches us that life is not always a bed of roses; it puts certain hurdles in our path"
"Saturn is considered to be the most important planet in both the fields of astrology and numerology. However, there are things one must know about the most feared planet in this world. Planet Saturn is considered as the malefic or evil planet by most astrologers and numerologers across the world. It is also known as 'the planet of darkness'. The main reason for this is due to Saturn's harsh way of punishing a person, as well as being the lord of tenth house in astrology. One’s mode of death is determined by the position of planet Saturn in one’s horoscopeThe seven years of Saturn’s period is also the reason for people to be afraid of him Saturn is the planet of wisdom, Pure Justice, Teacher, and one who finally initiate the holy process called 'Death' in one’s life" .



http://saturndeathcult.com/the-sturn-death-cult-part-1/ -(intro)
"Saturn represents Death and Time which has become symbolically revealed by the Cube and is a widely used symbol by the Cabal"
The real world is one that is experienced through Vibration.  The world that is experienced through the senses is a small Microcosm of what actually exists.  Our senses actually limit our experience of being alive and also limit us from experiencing the whole Macrocosm of life.  Our senses also allows our minds to be manipulated and this is where the "Illuminati" operate.  Be weary of the words you use, the thoughts you think, the colors you wear, the numbers around you, items you look at, etc. -each one of those items mentioned affects your vibrational plane and therefore affects your reality through what is manifested in your physical plane of reality.
cult-of-8 ('kul'tə-ˌvāt), -verb
  1. 1.to prepare and work on in order to grow; till. 
  2. 2.to promote or improve the growth of by labor and attention
  3. 3.to produce by culture.
  4. 4.to develop or improve by education or training; refine. 
  5. 5.to promote the growth or development of; foster. 
  6. 6.to devote oneself to.
  7. 7.to seek to promote or foster (friendship, love, etc.). 
  8. 8.to seek the acquaintance or friendship of (a person). 

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