Sunday, April 12, 2020

the Nixon Shock leads to the era of Inflation, Easy Credit, Cheap Commodities, Consumption, Consumerism, Decadence, Debt, Collapse, World War 3 & Agenda 2030

While the collective masses were distracted by the "Smoke" (Watergate Scandal) they forgot all about the "Fire" (Nixon closing the gold window).


Instead of blaming Richard Nixon and admitting that China owns America Inc. (due to China holding American debt that America can never pay back which would result in America selling off more of its own national resources and national infrastructure thus being a cash crop/banana republic similar to the Third World which would over time make it impossible to ever pay back China) America under Donald Trump decided to blame China for de-valuating their own Chinese currency (which America started in 1971 with the Nixon Shock). Tariffs were launched and trade wars began with Donald Trump and Hot Wars will soon ignite. If you look at the map below, where America and their military allies has encircled China, Russia, and Iran since the 1990's -you will see that America Inc. was never planning to pay back anyone. Similar to wars in the past, World War 3 will cause the default of America, China, and Russia and the creation of a NEW WORLD ORDER ruled by Technocrats taking orders from an Oligarchy while the masses live in "Oligarchical Collectivism". 

Exactly as "Operation Lockstep" planned it in 2010, China's COVID-19 numbers would be covered up and minimized by the W.H.O. while the U.S.A.'s COVID-19 number would be enlarged. 

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