The Government and ALL their instruments of force, manipulation, and control (Institutions, Public Service Sectors workers, Mainstream Media, etc.) want to keep YOU and YOUR family paused and in place as a "Trauma Based Mind Controlled Slave" through their Predictive Programming, Educational Indoctrination, Governmental Propaganda, and Public Relations Advertisement. This way you can continue being Dependent on them to Rule over you. In fact, it keeps you Serving them as a Slave instead of seeing the reality of your own existence. Under these circumstances, NO government in the world can ever be "transparent", or "honest", or work for their citizenry/taxpayers/bond and stock (property of their Government). This is why Governments will ALWAYS lie to you about your collective history and your collective past.
THE ATTICUS INSTITUTE -connecting with demonic entities, the fallen angels, of inter-dimensional existence:
Under the guise of the "Cold War" all taxpayers and citizens became experiments and projects for National Governments. Project Bluebeam, Project MK Ultra, Operation Gladio, Project MK Naomi, the "Stargate Project", the Philadelphia Experiment, Operation Mockingbird, the Montauk Project, Project Artichoke, Project Bluebird, etc. are all projects that Intelligence Agencies were willing to use on the collective masses on a whim in order to advance their Globalist agendas of "Oligarchical Collectivism". Indebted Governments view their collective citizenry as nothing more than just Bonds and Stocks and therefore have no problem selling us as experiments and projects to Globalists in order to advance Globalist Agendas. Though the National Governments advertise differently to us in the mainstream media and educational institutions -at the end of the day, it is all about profits and exploitation (similar to how Corporations view us. This is because National Governments are actually Corporation Entities). This is why the collective citizenry/taxpayers are their Stocks and Bonds and are subservient to those that own the Government Debt -nothing more!! The institutional indoctrination and governmental propaganda makes us think otherwise and that we have a voice. We only have a voice when we advance their Globalist agendas, regardless of how occult or horrific it might be!!
Under the guise of the "Cold War" all taxpayers and citizens became experiments and projects for National Governments. Project Bluebeam, Project MK Ultra, Operation Gladio, Project MK Naomi, the "Stargate Project", the Philadelphia Experiment, Operation Mockingbird, the Montauk Project, Project Artichoke, Project Bluebird, etc. are all projects that Intelligence Agencies were willing to use on the collective masses on a whim in order to advance their Globalist agendas of "Oligarchical Collectivism". Indebted Governments view their collective citizenry as nothing more than just Bonds and Stocks and therefore have no problem selling us as experiments and projects to Globalists in order to advance Globalist Agendas. Though the National Governments advertise differently to us in the mainstream media and educational institutions -at the end of the day, it is all about profits and exploitation (similar to how Corporations view us. This is because National Governments are actually Corporation Entities). This is why the collective citizenry/taxpayers are their Stocks and Bonds and are subservient to those that own the Government Debt -nothing more!! The institutional indoctrination and governmental propaganda makes us think otherwise and that we have a voice. We only have a voice when we advance their Globalist agendas, regardless of how occult or horrific it might be!!
To see the world for what it actually is, you have to see the World through a different set of eyes not through the ones you see the world with presently. The eyes that you see the world through presently is due to predictive programming, institutional indoctrination, corporate advertisement, and governmental propaganda which means you view reality through a Box. Therefore, your present perception of reality is false. You must remove the Box encasing your mind and open your eyes for the very first time in order to see Reality for what it is and what it is worth.
To see the world for what it actually is, you have to see the World through a different set of eyes not through the ones you see the world with presently. The eyes that you see the world through presently is due to predictive programming, institutional indoctrination, corporate advertisement, and governmental propaganda which means you view reality through a Box. Therefore, your present perception of reality is false. You must remove the Box encasing your mind and open your eyes for the very first time in order to see Reality for what it is and what it is worth.

We live inside of an Electromagnetic Plasmic Universe that affects us and all things.

One of the many maps in existence that reveals man has not "progressed" but rather "regressed" about the knowledge of self and the knowledge of his true past.


The dome above the Earth is the "round globe shape" that people argue for when they say that the Earth is a circle. The dome appears on both ends (the top and bottom). The Hollow Earth/Inner Earth and the "Sacred Tree" at the center of the Earth, takes you to the other-side/inside of the Earth.

Similar to the bones of Giants that are found all over the world, there has also been bones of mini/small people found all over the world.
ALSO CLICK THE LINKS BELOW FOR MORE INFO: -Twitter Account -Macrocosmic Ministries -Twitter Account -Macrocosmic Ministries -You Tube Channel
How can you trust a government that "classifies", "redacts", and labels information and documentation as "top secret", "national security" and "confidential"?? The same National Government that is permitting benevolent people to be "suicided" and allowing for whistle blowers to commit "career suicide" over exposing "cover-ups" cannot be trusted for information or advice. That is a national government you cannot trust because it does not work for you. These national governments instead work for its Owners because it is Indebted to its Owners who printed them the money from their Private Central Banks in order to function and create false narratives for their citizens to believe in (and therefore continuing to work and pay taxes to the national government that it is dependent on in order to survive). You cannot trust National governments, the Public Service Sector (that National Governments fund with Taxpayer money), or the messages and sound bytes that it feeds the Mainstream Media (by using Taxpayer money) so that they can pass them on to you as your collective Reality.

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