Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Yahusha haMashiach & the Natsarim, Pauline Christianity, & Messianic Judaism


Yet without Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church's spears, swords and laws -Christianity remains only a cult because in truth it can only be lived out and understood by very few (the remnant) not by everyone. That was Christ's message during his ministry.

Rejected by men

Rejected by men

 MESSIANIC JUDAISM -a revival of the Natsarim?:

Supporting the Left, Big Government, always leads you to blind compliance to laws and rules (legalism) which ties you into the World, the Flesh, and your Ego/Sin Nature/Self Righteousness, and Works. Big Government, Totalitarian Government, is where the God of this World, Satan rules over.

Without Paul & Emperor Constantine, the GOOD NEWS of the Resurrection and the Holy Spirit does not grow into anything more than a handful of people -a cult following. In fact, at the time, there was not a clear definition of Christ or his message. Just like in the Gospels, each disciple interpreted Christ differently and were competing with one another and other diverse beliefs and interpretations about the Holy Spirit.

Even after the disciples had received the Holy Spirit, they still did not understand Christ's message in the Gospels. Their understanding of Christ's message and Christ's life were not unified. The disciples were interpreting through their own eyes and their own knowledge not through the understanding of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit working through them. This problem occurs with the disciples and throughout Christian history leaving many holes in Christian theology and the Christian life.

None of these schisms have anything to do with the Holy Spirit or with the Word but with Politics and Power. Whether it's the differences between Paul, Peter, and James (after they all received the Holy Spirit), OR between Byzantines and Catholics, OR between Protestants and Catholics, OR between Anglican and Catholics (and so forth). After Christ's death, Christ's message was never a unified narrative. The Disciples during Christ's life, after Christ's death, and all those that call themselves Christians never truly understood Christ thus limiting their understanding of Christ, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. People have always used Christ and Christ's message for World gains thus reducing Christianity to nothing more than a World Religion.

Focus on the fact that GOD in WORD came in human form/flesh in order to offer a BLOOD SACRIFICE for the God of this World (Satan/Lucifer/the False Light) in order to give ALL mankind the HOLY SPIRIT when they REPENT of this world, REPENT of their body and their flesh nature/sin nature (corrupt form), REPENT of the thoughts in their minds, REPENT of their desires and wants, and REPENT of their ego and identity. In doing so, GOD offers you the HOLY SPIRIT that SEALS you and transforms you in order to see the ILLUSION of the world that exists and how it is constructed so that you are no longer in the world. Instead, your ONLY purpose is to spread the TRUTH and GOOD NEWS of the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT to all by the way you live your life and dedicate it to GOD. Inside you there is only the HOLY SPIRIT and no EGO, no SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, no IDENTITY. You cease to exist, only the HOLY SPIRIT exists inside you connecting you to GOD always and GOD uses you as a vessel for his purpose NOT your purposes, will, need, or desires. The HOLY SPIRIT inside you reveals that WORKS ALONE cannot save you or bring you to GOD, only the HOLY SPIRIT can when it seals you off from the world and the justification of WORKS.


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