Monday, February 24, 2020

Making A Relationship Work: Ego & Expectation VS Love & Service

With Expectations there is NO Love:
Expectations based on Ego, Identity, & Public Perception leads to False Expectations which leads to disillusionment, boredom, resignation, and anger over time.


 "Emotional Intelligence" and "Fake It To Make" have trained, indoctrinated, predicatively programmed, and conditioned people to be manipulative, opportunistic, and parasitic in any, every, and all situations. Be truthful with yourself in any and all situations and environments. Be truthful with others in any and all situations and environments so that it makes it harder for you to be around fake people and harder for fake people to be around you. Fake people are more numerous than genuine and truthful people which are rare and unusual. To avoid fake people do not ever be contradictory, hypocritical, or believe any lies yourself. Admit when you are wrong and never allow Ego/Identity and False Expectations of others or yourself creep into your mind. 

Without Service there is NO Love:
For Love to Work inside ANY and ALL of your Relationships, you need 9 things to be there regularly, daily, constantly, and always -Open & Transparent Communication, Genuine Understanding, Sincere Service, Removal of Ego & Identity (Masks), Priority of the Relationship, Belief in the Relationship, Adaptability & Compromise, Creative Intimacy, and Complete Trust in one another. Both people have to give equally because if one person pulls away from the relationship and does not use the 9 qualities collectively listed above, then the interactions weaken and the relationship wavers and suffers before disintegrating over time.

Celebrate each other's presence each and every day and at all opportunities for it is what makes up your interactions and your relationship. Do not let life be so busy that you give your best self to work and what you have left after work you give to each other. Prioritize each other and put in the effort, time, and energy for one another because that is what comes first, work always comes second even though it provides finances and identity. In truth, work and money will come and go in life and is based more on Ego, Identity, and Public Acceptance which is Maya (Illusion).

a Fake Economy creates Fake & Fragile People:
If Keynesian Economics, the Private Central Banking System, Progressive Taxation, Corporate Buy-Backs, and Individual Debt is ALL that is holding this present Economy together (which means your job, your livelihood, your position, your identity, and your Ego) -you are constantly walking on thin and breaking ice. Uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and confusion permeates your living, breathing material reality and you are never in control of anything but your own Perception and only if you are Truthful and living without Ego or Identity.

ALSO CLICK THE LINKS BELOW FOR MORE INFO: -Twitter Account -Macrocosmic Ministries

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