Thursday, March 12, 2020

Lost Christian Voices. How Catholicism & Protestantism Monopolized the Christian message and lost Christ's voice in the process!!

Christianity could never spread without using Violence, Suppression, Exile, & War. Christians are correct when they say that Christianity caused turmoil inside of the Roman Empire and brought it down. However, what Christians do not reveal about the turmoil is how many sects of Christianity there were that were fighting among one another inside of the Roman Empire about what version of Christianity was the "truth". This is what caused the chaos inside of the Roman Empire and forced Constantine to create Christianity as the state religion while incorporating Paganism inside of the newly formed state religion. It was not just Pagans VS Christians as Christians portray to the world BUT Christians VS Christians and Christians VS Jews as well.
Only after Constantine takes over as ruler of the Roman Empire, does Christianity become a state religion. In doing so, the state religion of Christianity accepted by Constantine eliminates all other competing Christian sects through exile, force, and suppression not through peaceful means of debate, reason, transparency, and "truth" but through suppression, forced exile, and through violence -all of which continues all throughout Christian history and lasts even until the present day. The "New Age Religions" have always been a part of Christianity. The "New Age" movement is not presently trying to infiltrate Christianity but the reverse. The state religion of Christianity has suppressed the "New Age"/Gnostic aspects of Christianity all throughout history and monopolized the message of Christ. Institutional Christianity/State Christianity was hollow and is hollow presently. It is without the Holy Spirit and filled with rites, rituals, social pressure, and social expectations. Filled with people who are self righteous and misled who do not read their own Bibles or live by it!! Adherents who cannot be separated from the "people of the World" and who are led by Ego, Identity, material goals, and material success. It is not filled with people who live by the Word, who live by the Holy Spirit, or live with Truth. 





Moreover, Abrahamic religions have killed millions all over the world just to spread "God's word". Whether it has been Jews, Christians, Catholics, or Muslims (they have the biggest kill count next to Communists/Marxists).This proves God exists only in the spirit and those that have God's Holy Spirit are willing to live by the Truth and lay down their life for him not take another's life for that is what Satan does!!


The Catholic Church has a history of not coming to the aid of it's own Christian neighbors and in fact allowing for their Christian brethren to be killed -whether it is the Byzantines or the Donatists. The Catholic Church would rather have Muslims bloody their hands than themselves!! This is why many in the past (and even today) believe that it was the Catholic Church that invented Islam for it's own gains. In truth, it was the Venetian Empire that financed both Islam and the Catholic Church and owned both opposing factions/sides similar to how the Rothschild's owns and controls all institutions, governments, and corporations today. The Venetians were the predecessors of the Rothschilds. The Venetians created the blueprint that the Rotschilds use today!! 

Augustine was an intelligent man that got his position, influence, recognition, and power from the Catholic Church. Instead of admitting that the Catholic Church as an Institute and Corporation sinned and continued sinning against God and led it's adherents astray, Augustine built the argument and narrative to have the Donatists isolated, suppressed, and exiled (which led to them being killed by Muslims). The Venetian Empire and the Catholic Church then created the "Protestant Reformation" as false opposition killing millions in Europe in the process.


The Roman Catholic Church after eliminating the Cathars then turned the Crusaders loose on the Christian Byzantine Empire in order to weaken it and have it replaced with the Muslim Ottoman Empire. This allowed the Catholic Church to remove the Christian Byzantine Empire and the voice of Christianity. The Catholic Church then replaced one opposition with other smaller and weaker ones (the "Protestant Reformation" and the Anglican Church). Which led to the Venetian Empire creating  the "Western Renaissance", the "Age of Discovery" and "Age of Exploration", and the Enlightenment Era.

The "Protestantism Reformation" ONLY occurs because Wealthy Elites who were involved in Fraternal Societies protected Martin Luther. The same exact thing occurs with the "Western Renaissance" and the "Enlightenment Era". Elites decided to alter society and the world Top-Down not Bottom-Up.
R.C. Christian donated the Georgia Guidestones on behalf of the Rosicrucians. Whenever, a group is believed to "disappear", it allows them time to go into the "shadows" and continue to work behind the scenes to control the influences of the world. No different than a criminal Kingpin living in prison while still continuing to control the affairs of his business through his gang. "Business as usual". The only thing that has changed is the optics and narrative for the masses in order for them to continue to have confidence in the system and go about their regular, everyday lives instead of rebelling against the system and the Elites that control it!! The Elites can live with change but only if they bring it about and control the change!! 

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