"Albert Einstein presented the theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity in groundbreaking publications that either contained no formal references to previous literature, or referred only to a small number of his predecessors for fundamental results on which he based his theories, most notably to the work of Hendrik Lorentz for special relativity, and to the work of Gauss, Riemann, and Mach for general relativity. Subsequently claims have been put forward about both theories, asserting that they were formulated, either wholly or in part, by others before Einstein. At issue is the extent to which Einstein and various other individuals should be credited for the formulation of these theories, based on priority considerations".
"Who discovered that E = mc2? It's not as easy a question as you might think. Scientists ranging from James Clerk Maxwell and Max von Laue to a string of now-obscure early 20th-century physicists have been proposed as the true discovers of the mass–energy equivalence now popularly credited to Einstein's theory of special relativity. Yet two physicists have now shown that Einstein's famous formula does have a complicated and somewhat ambiguous genesis – which has little to do with relativity. One of the more plausible precursors to E = mc2 is attributed to Fritz Hasenöhrl, a physics professor at the University of Vienna. In a 1904 paper Hasenöhrl clearly wrote down the equation E = 3/8mc2. Where did he get it from, and why is the constant of proportionality wrong? Hasenöhrl was Ludwig Boltzmann's student and successor at Vienna, and was lauded by Erwin Schrödinger among others. "Hasenöhrl was probably the leading Austrian physicist of his day", Rothman told physicsworld.com. He might have achieved much more if he had not been killed in the First World War. The relationship of energy and mass was already being widely discussed by the time Hasenöhrl considered the matter. Henri Poincaré had stated that electromagnetic radiation had a momentum and thus effectively a mass, according to E = mc2. The relationship of energy and mass was already being widely discussed by the time Hasenöhrl considered the matter. Henri Poincaré had stated that electromagnetic radiation had a momentum and thus effectively a mass, according to E = mc2. "Historians often say that, had there been no Einstein, the community would have converged on special relativity shortly. Events were pushing them kicking and screaming in that direction. Boughn and Rothman's work shows that Hasenöhrl was among those headed this way". Robert Crease, a philosopher and historian of science at Stony Brook University in New York, agrees. "What Hasenöhrl really missed in his calculation was the idea that if the radiators in his cavity are emitting radiation, they must be losing mass, so his calculation wasn't consistent", says Rothman. "Nevertheless, he got half of it right. If he had merely said that E is proportional to m, history would probably have been kinder to him." But if that's the case, where does relativity come into it? Actually, perhaps it doesn't. While Einstein's celebrated 1905 paper, "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies", clearly laid down the foundations of relativity by abandoning the ether and making the speed of light invariant, his derivation of E = mc2 did not depend on those assumptions. You can get the right answer with classical physics, says Rothman, all in an ether theory without c being either constant or the limiting speed. "Although Einstein begins relativistically, he approximates away all the relativistic bits, and you are left with what is basically a classical calculation." Physicist Clifford Will of Washington University in St Louis, a specialist on relativity, considers the preprint "very interesting". Boughn and Rothman "are well-regarded physicists", he says, and as a result he "tend[s] to trust their analysis". However, the controversies that have been previously aroused over the issue of priority perhaps account for some of the reluctance of historians of physics to comment when contacted by physicsworld.com. Did Einstein know of Hasenöhrl's work? " Failure to cite it was not inconsistent with the conventions of the time. In any event, Einstein asserted his priority for the mass–energy relationship when this was challenged by Johannes Stark (who credited it in 1907 to Max Planck). Both Hasenöhrl and Einstein were at the famous first Solvay conference in 1911, along with most of the other illustrious physicists of the time. "One can only imagine the conversations", say Boughn and Rothman. Rothman told physicsworld.com that he had run across Hasenöhrl's name a number of times but with no real explanation as to what he did. "One of my old professors, E C G Sudarshan, once remarked that he gave Hasenöhrl credit for mass–energy equivalence. So around Christmas-time last year, I said to Steve, 'why don't we spend a couple hours after lunch one day looking at Hasenöhrl's papers and see what he did wrong?' Well, two hours turned into eight months, because the problem ended up being extremely difficult".
"The experiments of Jules Henri Poincare, David Hilbert, Walter Kaufmann, and Friedrich Hasenorhl confirmed James Clerk Maxwell’s work all of which predate Einstein's 'discoveries' ".
"Einstein's indifference to his children, however, was outshone by the animosity he showed to his wife. According to the divorce papers, Mileva was the victim of physical violence in the marriage, and Einsteins adultery was the final straw that led to the legal separation in 1914 and final divorce in 1919".

Timing is crucial when controlling narratives especially when the Elite want to make profits from the masses, create indoctrination, and manipulate society for their own needs.
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