The statement Globalists expound that "all religions are one" and that "all religions are the same" is more comical when you realize that NOT all religions are even mentioned in the narrative or presented in their Globalist images. If all the religions that exist presently were spoken of equally to that of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism (the major religions) then people would realize that the true past of history and geography is filled with politics, finances, violence, complicity, and collusion not spirituality or truth. People would also realize that over time the major religions did not even evolve naturally or through divine intervention but instead through violence and suppression. Furthermore, sects that exist inside of major religions also disprove that all religions are one and the same when even inside a major religion they are not the same or identical and hence not united. Lastly, how major religions evolved also has very little to do with Patriarchy (which Marxist academics love to argue is the reason why religions exists).
There are many religions in the Middle East that are non-hostile to Western culture, Western civilization, and Christianity/Catholicism. Yet, due to Globalist Agendas and Marxist Academics these religions are never mentioned!! There are many religions in the Middle East that have survived Islamic invasions due to paying the "Jiyza Tax" or hiding in caves. However, none of this is mentioned in the public discourse. This opens the door for Western governments to work with Israel and Saudi Arabia to bring down secular Middle East governments such as in Iraq, Syria, and Libya and then have those countries overrun with Muslim jihadists so that Muslim refugees can flood Western countries causing a fragmentation of identity in Western countries. This suppression of historical narrative is allowing for the Third World fragmentation of identity to occur in the West thus allowing for all cultural identities in the Western world to be politicized and therefore made dependent on the government and their token representative in government to represent them. All of this occurs while Globalists and Marxists shout "equality and unity for all".

Before it all comes crashing down at least understand, what could have been had we spent more time on understanding the world, our history, ourselves, and each other instead of spending time on fake narratives, our Ego and our Identity, "paying-to-play", "faking it to making it", and trying to fit into a Club that are families will never be apart of because of Bloodlines. If you want the Truth then you have to take all of the Truth. Not bits and pieces of the Truth when it suits you best. Otherwise, you are colluding and complicit with the Lie (which most people are comfortable with doing and living out -though they say otherwise and that includes Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Catholics).



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