The Struggle for Survival (9:31 mins.)
Black Man Praises Hitler (4:48 mins.)
World Defeated the Wrong Enemy (3:46:36 mins.) (9:31 mins.)
Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank 2.0 (6:13 mins.)
Black Man Praises Hitler (4:48 mins.)
The Truth About Hitler They Don't Want You To Know (9:59 mins.)World Defeated the Wrong Enemy (3:46:36 mins.)

The Devil is based on the Jew (1:38 mins.)
Why do People Hate Jews (6:08 mins.)

Now that Argentina, Brazil, & Venezuela are in crisis -F.T.A.A. will be back on the table. This will enable the New World Order to become closer to being actualized. Similar to T.P.P and T.T.I.P., F.T.A.A will allow "Crony Capitalism" to consolidate the power of the State, Corporations, and Banks -who will now control every aspect of your life while taking away what little you have already and therefore you will have very little to say about it except to vote every 4 years on the puppet you want to see on TV. The "good jobs" will be replaced with "bad jobs" and job security will be a thing of the past because of competition, congestion, saturation, and scarcity.

"Self Haters" of any color need to break free from their Educational Indoctrination & Media Indoctrination so that they do not see people of their own color as "victims" or as "oppressors" and do not treat people of ANY color differently but only as equals and only based on merits. When you see others as "equals", when you believe in "Meritocracy" instead of "Cronyism" and you understand the Free Market -you will not allow the Free Market to be State regulated or Corporate regulated. Only then can each and every person be allowed to compete with one another to the best of their abilities and only then can we stop being "Dependents of the State" in our adulthood. Otherwise, we will have "inferiority complex" in so many different ways whether it is based on gender, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

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