Friday, October 17, 2014

"Pot Calling The Kettle Black" (the Vilification of Hitler and Nazi Germany)‏

(A) The NAZI SALUTE was first created by AMERICA (the Bellamy Salute)
"On October 12, 1892 the Pledge of Allegiance was made compulsory for all students in public schools. Aiming to instill patriotism and obedience in children early on, Francis Bellamy, the socialist minister who penned the Pledge, made sure to keep it brief and with good cadence so it would be easily memorized. Children across the nation recite it every morning: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  But in reality, how many people even as adults actually think about what those words mean. The original Pledge was accompanied by ‘the Bellamy salute’, which was dropped during WWII because the Nazis started using it (they copied the United States’ tactics to instill national pride and obedience). The Nazi salute and the indoctrination of children? Yep, that was the US’s idea first".

(B)  EUGENICS is American not a NAZI invention
"Eugenics was practiced in the United States many years before eugenics programs in Nazi Germany and U.S. programs provided much of the inspiration for the latter. Stefan Kühl has documented the consensus between Nazi race policies and those of eugenicists in other countries, including the United States, and points out that eugenicists understood Nazi policies and measures as the realization of their goals and demands. A hallmark of the Progressive Era of the late 19th and early 20th century, now generally associated with racist and nativist elements (as the movement was to some extent a reaction to a change in emigration from Europe) rather than scientific genetics, eugenics was considered a method of preserving and improving the dominant groups in the population. After the eugenics movement was well established in the United States, it spread to Germany.  California eugenicists began producing literature promoting eugenics and sterilization and sending it overseas to German scientists and medical professionals. By 1933, California had subjected more people to forceful sterilization than all other U.S. states combined. The American eugenics movement was rooted in the biological determinist ideas of Sir Francis Galton, which originated in the 1880s. Galton studied the upper classes of Britain, and arrived at the conclusion that their social positions were due to a superior genetic makeup. Early proponents of eugenics believed that, through selective breeding, the human species should direct its own evolution. They tended to believe in the genetic superiority of Nordic, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon peoples; supported strict immigration and anti-miscegenation laws; and supported the forcible sterilization of the poor, disabled and "immoral". The American eugenics movement received extensive funding from various corporate foundations including the Carnegie Institution, Rockfeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad fortune. Even today eugenics in the United States is still officially permitted".
ORIGINATED IN AMERICA FIRST: (a) Better Baby Contests, (b) Fitter Family for Future Campaigns, (c) Forced/Compulsory Sterilization, (d) Categorization of Individual and Families into Unfit vs. Fit, (e) Immigration restrictions, (f) Segregation Policies of Populations

(C) Danzig/Polish Corridor and "Bloody Sunday" (1939)
1.) "The “free city” of Danzig is 95% German. Along with its surrounding German area of East Prussia, Danzig was isolated from the German mainland by the harsh post-World War I treaties. Formerly German territory now belongs to Poland, cutting right through the Prussian/Pomeranian region of Germany. As had been the case with Germans stranded in Czechoslovakia, the Germans in Poland (those not expelled in 1919) are a persecuted minority. Hitler tries to solve the problem of the "Polish Corridor” peacefully. He proposes that the people living in Danzig, and the “corridor” be permitted to vote in a referendum to decide their status. If the region returns to German sovereignty, Poland will be given a 1 mile wide path, running through Germany to the Baltic Sea so that it would not be landlocked.  The Poles consider Hitler’s solution, but behind the scenes, Poland is urged by FDR to not make any deals with Germany. When it becomes apparent to Hitler that Poland will not allow a referendum, he then proposes another solution – international control of the formerly German regions. This sensible offer is also ignored".  
2.) "German civilians in the town of Bromberg, Poland. The massacre is known as 'Bloody Sunday'Bloody Sunday 1939 was a series of killings of members of the German minority that took place at the beginning of World War II. On September 3, 1939, two days after the beginning of the German invasion of Poland, highly controversial killings occurred in and around Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg), a Polish city with a sizable German minority. The number of casualties and other details of the incident are disputed among historians even today.  Moreover, one thing many people fail to see is that Poland openly attacked Germany right after World War I, which led to many border battles. Once Germany started pressing Poland to work out a solution to the corridor, the attacks started again".

The Polish-British Common Defense Pact contains promises of British military assistance in the event that Poland is attacked by another European country. This builds upon a previous agreement (March 1939) between the two countries, and also France, by specifically committing to military action in the event of an attack.  This builds upon a previous agreement (March 1939) between the two countries, and also France, by specifically committing to military action in the event of an attack. With this agreement, powerful Zionist-Globalist forces in the UK have now trapped the reluctant Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, as well as France and Poland. All that is left to do now is for Polish-Jewish antagonizes to deliberately provoke Germany into action and get the ball rolling. Unjustly labeled by historians as an "appeaser", Chamberlain had to be maneuvered into war by powerful factions above and around him.With the Polish army being routed by the advancing Germans in the west, Stalin cleverly decides to break the Soviet-Polish Non Aggression Pact of 1932. Poland is stabbed in the back as Soviet forces pour in from the east. The advancing Reds carry out massacres, the most infamous being the Katyn Forest Massacre in which 10,000 Polish Army officers are shot in the head. Other than the pre-Versailles German areas which Germany will reclaim, the Soviets will take.all of Poland. In a shocking double-standard, the anti-German Globo-Zio press, FDR, France & the UK remain oddly silent about this brutal Soviet aggression. Poland appeals to Britain for help, citing the Poland-British Defense Pact just signed a few weeks ago! The Polish ambassador in London contacts the British Foreign Office pointing out that clause 1(b) of the agreement, which concerned an "aggression by a European power" on Poland, should apply to the Soviet invasion. The UK Foreign Secretary responds with hostility, stating that it was Britain's decision whether to declare war on the Soviet Union! The truth is, the Allies do not legitmately care about Poland. They only used its foolish ultra-nationalist leaders to instigate Hitler so that they could have their war.  The horror that Poland will suffer under Soviet occupation is Poland's problem, not Britain's.  “Why die for Danzing was popularly chanted” in France and England.

‘Phoney War’ is the name given to the period of time in World War Two from September 1939 to April 1940 when, after the blitzkrieg attack on Poland in September 1939, seemingly nothing happened. Many in Great Britain expected a major calamity – but the title ‘Phoney War’ summarizes what happened in Western Europe – near enough nothing.  The term 'Phoney War' was first used, allegedly, by an American senator called Borah. Winston Churchill referred to the same period as the ‘Twilight War’ while the Germans referred to it as ‘Sitzkrieg’ – 'sitting war'.  The "Phoney War" refers to what happened in Western Europe between September 1939 and the spring of 1940. To assume that nothing was going on in Europe would be wrong as Poland was in the process of being occupied with all that brought for the Polish people. However, in Western Europe very little of military importance did take place. In fact, so little occurred that many of the children who had been evacuated at the start of the war, had returned to their families. To many, war had been declared by Neville Chamberlain, but nothing was actually happening.  In fact, things were happening but the public in Britain were not aware of them – or very few were.  During the "Phoney War", Britain was also engaged in ‘bombing’ raids over Germany – but it was not bombs that were dropped but propaganda leaflets. Sir Kingsley Wood, Secretary of State for War, called them “truth raids”. The ‘raids’ served two purposes: (a) The Germans would read about the evils of Nazi Germany, (b) It was show the leaders of Germany just how vulnerable their country was to bombing raids.  Millions of leaflets were dropped over Germany. On September 3rd alone, 6 million copies of “Note to the German People” were dropped in just one night – the equivalent of 13 tons of paper. The main result of these initial raids was that the Germans stepped up their anti-aircraft batteries. While some politicians believed that the raids served a purpose, others in the military did not.  During this time, the allies amass 600,000 troops in Northern France during the “Phoney War”. Plans are openly discussed to advance eastward upon Germany, via Belgium and Holland, as well as establishing operations in neutral Norway and Denmark, with or without their consent.  On 10 May 1940, eight months after Britain and France had declared war on Germany, German troops marched into Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg -marking the end of the “Phoney War”.

For 20 years Hitler had dreamed of an alliance with Britain. As Hitler told Maj. Quisling on August 18, 1940: “After making one proposal after another to the British on the reorganization of Europe, I now find myself forced against my will to fight this war against Britain....”.  Hitler tried to remain as civil in war as possible towards Britain, that is before the British bombing of civilian targets.  "Hitler had given orders that no British towns were to be bombed and, above all, bombing of London was completely forbidden and embargoed."  Hitler stayed the hand of the Luftwaffe and forbade any attack on London under pain of court-martial; the all-out saturation bombing of London, which his strategic advisers Raeder, Jodl, and Jeschonnek all urged upon him, was vetoed. Though his staffs were instructed to examine every peripheral British position—Gibraltar, Egypt, the Suez Canal—for its vulnerability to attack, the heart of the British Empire was allowed to beat on. In these months an adjutant overheard Hitler heatedly shouting into a Chancellery telephone: “We have no business to be destroying Britain. We are quite incapable of taking up her legacy,” meaning the empire; and he spoke of the “devastating consequences of the collapse of that empire." Hitler offered total cessation of the war in the West. Germany would evacuate all of France except Alsace and Lorraine, which would remain German. It would evacuate Holland and Belgium, retaining Luxembourg. It would evacuate Norway and Denmark. In short, Hitler offered to withdraw from Western Europe, except for the two French provinces and Luxembourg [Luxembourg was never a French province, but an independent state of ethnically German origin], in return for which Great Britain would agree to assume an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Germany as it unfolded its plans in Eastern Europe. In addition, the Führer was ready to withdraw from Yugoslavia and Greece. German troops would be evacuated from the Mediterranean generally and Hitler would use his good offices to arrange a settlement of the Mediterranean conflict between Britain and Italy. No belligerent or neutral country would be entitled to demand reparations from any other country, he specified.  The proposal contained many other points, including plans for plebiscites and population exchanges where these might be necessitated by shifts in population that has resulted from the military action in Western Europe and the Balkans. However, the versions circulating in authoritative circles all agree on the basic points outlined above.  Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace offers in 1939, 1940, and 1941.  Irving pinpointed one critical moment, and supplied the background.  When Churchill was leaving London to meet Roosevelt for a conference in Quebec late in the summer of 1943, a reporter asked if they were planning to offer peace terms to Germany. Churchill replied, “Heavens, no. They would accept immediately.”  In January 1941, Hitler was making extraordinary efforts to come to peace terms with England, undoubtedly in preparation for war with Russia. He offered, if Britain would assume an attitude of neutrality, to withdraw from all of France, to leave Holland and Belgium . . . to evacuate Norway and Denmark, and to support British and French industries by buying their products. His proposal had many other favorable points for England and Western Europe. In a January 1, 1944, letter to Stalin, Churchill said, “We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire, and extensively at your cost. Why should we think of it now, when victory approaches for the three of us?” 
"In one of the most widely-debated decisions of the war, the Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk. Hitler sanctioned the order on 24 May with the support of the "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" (OKW). The army was to halt for three days, giving the Allies time to organize the Dunkirk evacuation and build a defensive line. Despite the Allies' gloomy estimates of the situation, with Britain discussing a conditional surrender to Germany, in the end over 330,000 Allied troops were rescued.  Hitler was trying to get Britain to agree to his peace terms"
1- The British Empire retains all its Colonies and delegations
2- Germany´s continental supremacy won't be questioned
3- All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are open to discussion
4- Poland. A Polish state must exist
5- Czechoslovakia must belong to Germany
6- All European states occupied by Germany would see their sovereignty restored. Germany´s occupation was only due to the present military situation.

(G)  INTERNMENT CAMPS/LABOR CAMPS (Nazi's are not the only one to use it during a climate of war)
SOVIETS - While the first corrective labor camps after the revolution were established in 1918, and the internment system was rapidly growing, the Gulag was formally and legally created and recognized much later, on April 25, 1930, and formally dissolved on January 13, 1960. Several Soviet dissidents wrote about the continuation of the Gulag even after it was officially closed. Among them, Anatoli Marchenko (1938-1986), who actually died in the Gulag, demonstrated in his writings that the Soviet gulag had not ended with Joseph Stalin. Similar testimonies came from Soviet dissidents Vladimir Bukovsky, Yuri Orlov, Nathan Shcharansky, all of them released from the Gulag and given permission to emigrate in the West, after years of international pressure on Soviet authorities.  The author likened the scattered camps to "a chain of islands" and as an eyewitness described the Gulag as a system where people were worked to death. Some scholars concur with this view, whereas others argue that the Gulag was neither as large nor as deadly as it is often presented, although during some periods of its history, specifically during the Second World War, mortality was high in the labor camps.  In March 1940, there were 53 separate camps and 423 labor colonies in the USSR. Today's major industrial cities of the Russian Arctic, such as Norilsk, Vorkuta, and Magadan, were originally camps built by prisoners and run by ex-prisoners.  The Gulag consisted of many more camps with many more prisoners over many more years than the Nazi concentration camp system did.
CANADA (a) At the time of World War I, 24 camps were used.  In fact, camp labour is what contributed to the creation of Banff National Park  – which was known for it's exceptionally harsh and abusive treatment. The internment continued for two more years after the war had ended, although most Ukrainians were paroled into jobs for private companies by 1917. Even as parolees, they were still required to report regularly to the police authorities. Federal and provincial governments and private concerns benefited from the internees' labour and from the confiscation of what little wealth they had, a portion of which was left in the Bank of Canada at the end of the internment operations on June 20, 1920. A small number of internees, including men considered to be "dangerous foreigners", labour radicals, or particularly troublesome internees, were deported to Europe after the war, largely from the Kapuskasing camp, which was the last to be shut down.  Of those interned, 109 died of various diseases and injuries sustained in the camp, six were killed while trying to escape, and some – according to Sir William Dillon Otter's final report – went insane or committed suicide as a result of their confinement.
(b) At the time of World War II, there were ten internment Camps in total; they consisted of: three road camps, two prisoner of war camps(POW), and five self supporting camps scattered throughout Canada during the second World War. The war caused a large labor shortage for farmers, especially sugar beet farmers. The Security Commission Council organized sugar beet projects to combat the labor shortage. This gave the Japanese males a choice. The choice was to work in road camps as slaves or go to the beet camps and be with their families. Working in the beet camps was the choice taken by the majority of Japanese married men.  Of the 22,000 Japanese Canadians placed in the internment camps 4,000 were stripped of their Canadian citizenship and then deported to Japan. Then after the war, 6,000 people were sent over to Japan.
JAPAN -American and British POW worked for Japanese companies during World War II. Japan's Companies Built Postwar Fortunes Using American POWs. The prisoners weren't paid, suffered beatings, and other humiliations and were starved on diets that rarely went beyond 500 or 600 calories daily when they should have been getting 2,500. Many died.  Altogether about 25,000 American POWs found themselves doing slave labor at Japanese factories, shipyards and mines including at major companies such as Mitsui and Nippon, more than 40 Japanese companies used prisoners under these conditions.  Companies immediately asked for the use of the prisoners. It wasn't something the Japanese army decided to do with all these men they'd taken. It was the companies that asked and the army that agreed.
U.S.A -The internment of Japanese Americans was the World War II confinement of between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese heritage who lived on the Pacific coast of the United States. The U.S. government ordered the removal of Japanese Americans in 1942, shortly after Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. The internment was applied unequally as a geographic matter: almost all who lived on the West Coast were sent to camps, while in Hawaii, where 150,000-plus Japanese Americans comprised over one-third of the population, only 1,200 to 1,800 were interned. Sixty-two percent of the internees were American citizens. President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the internment with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942, which allowed local military commanders to designate "military areas" from which "any or all persons may be excluded." This power was used to declare that all people of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the entire West Coast, including all of California and much of Oregon, Washington and Arizona, except for those in government camps. Approximately 5,000 "voluntarily" relocated outside the exclusion zone, and some 5,500 community leaders arrested after Pearl Harbor were already in custody, but the majority of mainland Japanese Americans were "evacuated" from their West Coast homes over the spring of 1942.   
The topic of civilian internment camps in the United States has been largely dismissed as a paranoid “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media. Recent legislation and newly uncovered government documents, however, reveal the sad truth: The United States is quickly descending into a full-blown authoritarian police state.  NDAA 2012: Patriot Act Part Two (On December 31, 2011, while the majority of Americans were busy watching balls drop and drinking themselves into oblivion, President Obama quietly signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. This unprecedented legislation effectively codified the executive branch’s authority to indefinitely detain American citizens without trial, stripping them of their Constitutional right to due process and habeas corpus.  Under this legislation, if you are simply “suspected” of providing support to a group the government classifies as a terrorist organization—or an affiliate or associated force of said organization—you can be rounded up and detained until the end of the “War on Terror”—a war, according to policy makers, that has no end.  Over the course of this endless and prefabricated war, the government’s definition of “terrorist” has slowly shifted post 9/11 from Al Qaeda, a group of dubious power initially funded and supported by the CIA and the Pakistani ISI , to such “domestic terrorists” as Occupy Wall Street protesters , pro-life advocates, and Ron Paul supporters.  This has been the FBI's 'modus operandi' for quite some time.   Though it may be the most powerful organization in the United States, few people know it even exists. But it has crept into our private lives. Even mortgage papers contain FEMA's name in small print if the property in question is near a flood plain. FEMA has been given responsibility for many new disasters including urban forest fires, home heating emergencies, refugee situations, urban riots, and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. In the West, it works in conjunction with the Sixth Army. FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed).
Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies. The bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.
Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.
General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." A new bill senate bill HR 645 introduced in Congress authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to set up a network of FEMA camp facilities to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency. The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 mandates the establishment of "national emergency centers" to be located on military installations for the purpose of to providing "temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster," according to the bill. The legislation also states that the camps will be used to "provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations".  

“The ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision.  The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as “enemy aliens”. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as "Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, "Schutzhäftlinge"), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces" (Vol. 111, p. 73). These persons, it continues, "were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons." (P.74).  The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and "from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps and prisons" (Vol. 111, p. 78). The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.  The Report states, "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. "Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews" (Vol. III, p. 83).  In the course of the war,"The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York"(Vol. I, p. 644). This latter organization was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia.  The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions, which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, "where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto" (Vol. III, p. 75). According to the Report, "'The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich ... These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favorable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p . 642).The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded "in sending anything whatsoever to Russia" (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their "liberation" by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg. One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorized to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83). Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable. In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigors and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. As far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) - Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again, the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594). Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free population," and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing "every single Jew he could lay his hands on." In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann's assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that, "A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15th, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labor market" (Vol. I, p. 646). Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation. "The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognize the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries" (Vol. I, p. 645). As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. "Until March 1944," says the. Red Cross Report, "Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary" (Vol. I, p. 648). Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued. The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States "to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary," and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that "The Government of the United States ... now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave" (Vol. I, p . 649). In fact, the camps themselves contributed nothing to the Nazi war effort and arguably were a drain on it so there was no military imperative to attack them. For these (and no doubt other) reasons the allies decided the best way to help the camp inmates was to press the war to as speedy a conclusion as possible, so bomber raids were concentrated on war-relevant targets.  However, cutting much of the Nazi food lines allowed over time for the food supply to concentration camps to be diverted from Nazi Labor Camps to the Nazi war efforts.  The Nazis who had many concentration camps across Europe and within Germany itself now transformed their labor camps into Death Camps.  Many of the images people are familiar with from World War II with emaciated prisoners are actually taken after the end of World War 2 where many prisoners were left to starve.  By 1944, most of Germany was already at or near starvation, and disease among the civilian population was a severe problem. Transportation and the food supply were in tatters from the unceasing bombing of the US and UK on German civilian targets and infrastructure. “For more info, read some biographies of Germans who survived the war. Many Germans died of disease, typhus was very common. One account of a young boy about age 12 at the time described how he was so malnourished he became sickly and then infected with typhus. He was put in a hospital ward with dozens of other typhus victims. Incredibly, he described how a cart with a gas bottle was wheeled into the ward and zyklon gas was actually turned released in an effort to kill all lice while all the patients were in their beds. A remarkable story of survival”.  It would appear that those in charge of the barbarous Allied civilian bombing of Germany, thus attacking the civilian infrastructure (which is a war crime), are primarily responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of gays, gypsies, political dissidents, Jews, etc. in the concentration camps of wartime Germany due to disease and starvation.
INTERESTING NOTE TO MENTION: On Jan 8, 1945, the New York Times reports that “6,000,000 Jews died in Hitler’s Concentration Camps” (Jacob Lestchinsky estimates reduction in Europe since ’39, pg. 17, New York Times).  However, this is before the first camps were liberated by Allies.  The first American army to discover such camps, occurred on 4 April 1945 (they liberated the recently-abandoned slave labor camp at Ohrdruf, in Thuringia, Germany).  On 11 April, American forces liberated the camps at Buchenwald, near Weimar, and the V2 rocket slave-labor camp at Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains.  On April 15, the British army liberated its first such camp - Bergen-Belsen, located on Lüneberg Heath, 45 miles south of Hamburg. The Soviets has liberated their first camp on 22 July 1944.

1.) MARCH 23 1933 -JEWISH LEADERS WORLDWIDE DECLARE ECONOMIC WAR ON GERMANY  (Jewish leaders formally issue a "Declaration of War" against Germany.  On March 23, 1933, 20,000 Jews protest at New York's City Hall. Rallies and boycotts are directed against German goods.  The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carries the headline: "Judea Declares War on Germany". Jewish leaders are quoted as calling for “Holy War" against the entire German people. The article reveals,  "The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people. Germany is now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry.” Some people in Germany respond to the International Jewish boycott by boycotting Jewish stores themselves.
2.) MARCH 27 1933 - 40,000 JEWS AND REDS PACK NEW YORK'S MADISON SQUARE GARDEN TO PROTEST GERMANY (On March 27, '33, 40,000 Jews and gather in Madison Square Garden to protest the new Chancellor. The NY Daily News front page blares: "40,000 Roar Protest Here Against Hitler." Worldwide Jewish leadership is firing the opening  propaganda shots of what, in due time, will escalate into World War II. Hitler responds to the charges being made against the new Germany, stating on March 28: "Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity are being launched against Germany."    
3.) NOV 9, 1938 -KRISTOLNACHTJEWISH ASSASSIN MURDERS GERMAN DIPLOMAT IN PARISANTI-JEWISH RIOTS BREAK OUT IN GERMANY (Ernst vom Rath is a 29 year old German diplomat stationed in Paris. In a repeat of the how Swiss Jew David Frankurter had asked to speak to Swiss NSDAP head Wilhelm Gustloff before killing him in 1936, a Polish Jew named Hershel Grynspan arrives at the German embassy, asking to speak to a member of the diplomatic staff. When vom Rath comes to greet the visitor, Grynspan draws his pistol and murders him. By now, the Germans have had enough of the Jewish inspired boycotts, warmongering, and murders aimed at them. News of the latest murder triggers a wave of rioting and vandalism directed at Jewish shops and businesses. Hitler orders the violence to cease immediately and it stops after the first night.  The night of violence, presently referred as "Kristolnacht" (Night of the Broken Glass), is still hyped by the western media and western institutes. However, the repeated agitation, boycotts, and murders which provoked the vandalism are never mentioned).

"Western Media falsely accuses Adolf Hitler of snubbing Jesse Owens.  Since the 1936 Olympics had been awarded to Germany before Hitler became Chancellor in '33 it was too late to take the games away. The games showcase the new Germany. Visitors were impressed at the spirit and positive outlook of the German people. Germany wins more medals than any other nation, but black American Jesse Owens is the biggest star of the games. The German crowd cheers wildly for Owens as he wins 4 Gold Medals as both a sprinter and long jumper.  However, the Western media uses Owens to vilify Hitler. It was reported then, and repeated endlessly ever since, that Hitler "snubbed" Owens because he was black, storming out of the stadium in a fit of rage when Owens won his first race. This "snub" makes Hitler seem  petty and rude in the eyes of the world.  But the story of the Owens' snub is a big lie.  Owens himself confirms that the “snub” story is a hoax, stating in 1936, ”When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany [Hitler]".    Years later, in his autobiography, Owens again clarifies:  "Hitler didn't snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me.   The president didn’t even send me a telegram."

With the world preoccupied by the war in Europe:  (a) Stalin violated the Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact by invading Poland in 1939, (b) Stalin violated the Soviet-Finnish Non-Aggression Pact by invading Finland in 1939, (c) Stalin violated a provision of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (Ribbentrop-Molotov) by invading Lithuania in 1940, and (d) Stalin grabbed a piece of eastern Romania in 1940.  "Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear from month to month that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were aimed at the domination, and thus the destruction, of all of Europe. I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather to attack that which seemed incapable of defense ... I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost."  Millions of Soviet troops were quickly taken prisoner because they were packed along the front line, in OFFENSIVE positions. The Germans then advanced easily across undefended territory. There was so little defense behind the front lines because Stalin was planning an invasion of eastern Europe, NOT a defense of Russia. After the war, the prisoners shown above would be condemned to death in Stalin's gulags.  Stalin declared: "There are no prisoners of war, just traitors".  Hitler believed that Stalin, in secret collaboration with the British, was planning to totally break the Soviet-German Non Aggression Pact by launching a massive surprise attack upon anti-Communist Germany.  Stalin used Nazi Germany as an "icebreaker" to start a war in Europe which would allow for the Soviet Union to come in, clean up, and take control of all of Europe. Just as Stalin eliminated his political enemies by pitting them against one another, so too was the plan when he gave Hitler the support to attack Poland, knowing that the act would trigger a war between Germany and the United Kingdom and its allies. The principal argument is based on an analysis of Soviet military investments, diplomatic maneuvers, Politburo speeches and other data. Stalin perceived the outcome of World War II as a loss.  Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime did not attack an unsuspecting USSR on June 22, 1941 with a much superior and better prepared force. Instead, the Soviet Union was poised to invade Nazi-controlled territories in July 1941. Stalin successfully manipulated Hitler into removing the "buffer zone" (Poland) between Europe and the USSR. Stalin's goal was the export of Communism to other countries. Once Hitler 'broke the ice', Soviet victory in the large-scale war that followed would enable the USSR to impose Stalinist regimes on most of Europe. In this "icebreaker theory", Nazi military aggression would ironically form the icebreaker for a Communist invasion. The actual content of  the"Icebreaker theory" contains no praise of Hitler or justification of his terror. 

"Under temporary, wartime German occupation (1940-1944), life in Northern France goes by peacefully for French civilians. In fact, many French women fall in love with their Nazi occupiers.  However, with the Normandy invasion (June 6, 1944), the peace and security of France is shattered into a million pieces.  To support the cross channel invasion, and to then push the Germans eastward, the Allies unleash a ferocious aerial bombardment campaign. Entire towns are mercilessly carpet bombed. Cultural icons and works of art are destroyed, 65,000 French civilians are killed, 150,000 are injured, and 1,250,000 are left homeless. Incredibly, twice as many French civilians are bombed to death during only a few months, as the total amount of British civilians killed during the entire war!  (Of course, these numbers pale in comparison to the 1,000,000 + German civilians who were killed by Allied bombings!).  The horror doesn't end with the bombardment either. The Allied occupation and subsequent economic collapse brings new nightmares for the women of France. Under Allied occupation, American troops rape 1000's of French women, and turn many 1000's more hungry women into sex-for-food prostitutes. To appease the French population, the U.S. Army will eventually hang 152 were tried, 29 were hanged.  It will take years for these areas of France to recover from the tragedy". 

     In conclusion, reality is more than what Comic Books and Cartoons teach us.  Reality is more than “bad guys” and “good guys”, “cops and robbers”, “Cowboys and Indians”.  Comic Books and Cartoons (and before that, religious scriptures) teach us that there has to be a new bad guy and when the old bad guy is gone.  That bad guys have to exist and that another bad guy has to come when the old bad guy is vanquished. That there always has to be a good guy and a bad guy or otherwise the world doesn't make sense.  However, when this paradigm is in place that is when the world really does not make sense and you are being treated as children by social institutes, national governments, and the corporate media.  Reality is more complex than “bad” guys and “good” guys.

Hitler's Speeches:
Hitler on Winston Churchill  (10:05 mins.)

(b)Hitler on America  (9:59 mins)  

(c) Hitler's reply to Franklin D. Roosevelt  (5:41 mins.) 

(d) Hitler's on the Soviets  (14:55 mins.)

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